Uzbekistan: Temperature is 7-10°C above the norm
Uzbekistan faced abnormal heat wave in early June 2021. According to Uzgidromet, this was the hottest early summer for the biggest part of the republic throughout the period of observations since the end of the 19th century. The air temperature those days was 7-10°С above the climatic norm.

On June 3-7, extremely high temperatures were reported for the given period in Tashkent. The maximum temperature in Tashkent +42.6 degrees, which was registered on June 3-7, exceeded the peak values of the end of 19th and early 20th century.

At the same time, this value is not a record. The highest temperature +44.6°C in the history of observations in Tashkent was registered on July 18, 1997.

Before 2021, absolute maximum temperatures for the first week of June in Tashkent did not exceed 37-39 °C.
Photo: Umida Akhmedova / Tashkent
In previous years, during the sudden warming, the media of Uzbekistan reported the rise in the number of hospitalised patients with heatstroke and cardiovascular diseases. Thus, according to Ozodlik, many patients were hospitalised in July 2016 due to the 45 degrees heat wave in Surkhandarya, Kashkadarya, Samarkand, Navoi and Dzhizak regions.

In summer 2015, Ozodlik reported deaths of three people because of abnormal heat. However, the emergency ministry of Uzbekistan rejected this information.

In 2021, the media published no messages about hospitalisation or deaths of people because of the heat. However, it became known that the Russian Royal Flight airplane could not take off from the Qarshi airport on June 5 because of the heat. According to the ministry of transport of Uzbekistan, the airplane had the engine failure because of high temperature and the scheduled flight to Moscow was postponed to the following day. However, according to social media, the passengers of the flight were kept in the unventilated airplane for ninety minutes and some citizens felt worse.

According to the World Bank's specialised portal on climate change, the average monthly temperature in Uzbekistan in 1991-2020 in July was 28.20°C.
According to the forecast of the World Bank, the average temperature in Uzbekistan is expected to rise significantly by the 2090s as compared to the baseline of 1986-2005.
Natalia Lee
Design layout
Tolgonai Akimova
Umida Akhmedova