Coronavirus has influenced all spheres of life, society and every individual. We had to adapt to new conditions and build up our capacities. The team of IWPR Central Asia in self-isolation continues to achieve its goals and develop analytics in the region and support media sphere in Central Asian states. Using innovations and new technologies, we have managed to cover more audience.

We are pleased to share our work with you, as well as to encourage you to go forward in any circumstances.
Coronavirus in Central Asia

IWPR Central Asia is actively monitoring the situation in the region that has arisen due to coronavirus pandemic and the way it develops. Our regular authors and alumni of Schools of Analytical Journalism cover the way COVID-19 influenced life in Central Asia states. In their materials, they raise topics and issues that are relevant in our current situation: from economic consequences to issues in education.
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The discussion focused on the pandemic's effects on Chinese economic interests in Central Asia, as well as diplomatic and soft power repercussions.

The event gathered 100+ participants attending via Zoom and proceeding's broadcast on Facebook Live. Hosted by IWPR Central Asia and its online analytical platform, the online discussion reached more than 4,000 people on social media and was attended in real-time by dignitaries including the Norwegian ambassador to Central Asia Ole Bjørnøy.

The coronavirus crisis will only cement China's commitment to its flagship Belt and Road initiative (BRI), according to experts at the panel discussion.
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Central Asia pays too little attention to environmental issues. However, such issues need regional approaches to be solved. The COVID-19 pandemic that has affected millions of people globally and caused border closures, air traffic restrictions once again demonstrated the level of anthropogenic impacts on environmental pollution.

During online discussions, experts discussed possible mechanisms and ways of solution of environmental issues. IWPR will prepare policy brief including recommendations for decision-makers based on expert meetings.
You can find more information on each country in our review:
The meeting was held with the participation of representatives of human rights organizations, higher educational institutions, religious leaders of the country, and the head of the religious authority Zaiyrbek Ergeshov.

The event was held in a new format – participants had a chance to share their thoughts without formal reports and presentations.

Experts discussed whether the principles of civic engagement and religiosity contradict each other, as well as whether the spiritual search is associated with dissatisfaction and frustration with the system of public administration.

During the discussion, speakers emphasized that it's support and social cohesion, constant dialogue and unity of different systems of values will determine the domestic stability of society.
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In April, we launched a series of webinars to tell simply and in plain language about analytics. The speakers were both young experts of Central Asian states and from abroad, and the alumni of the School of Analytics A new series of such events is going to be held next month due to the keen interest of our audience.