Online Marathon «Facebook | Telegram»
The online marathon on Telegram and Facebook was held on July 15-22. The participants learned the specifics of working in these social networks: how to register an account/channel, build communication with their audience and create quality and demanded content. They also completed practical tasks and received feedback from a trainer on ZOOM platform.
The trainer was Jamilya Maricheva, the journalist, editor, producer, with 16 years of experience in media; in recent years she specializes in open data, digital in media and organizational work. Jamilya is project creator (the project explains state spending very simply and understandable); she worked as a publishing editor of
38 participants were selected for the marathon from 91 applicants. Of these, 8 participants were from Kazakhstan, 14 from Kyrgyzstan, 8 from Tajikistan and 8 from Uzbekistan.